Cutting down on Carbohydrates Could Result in Premature Death if they are replaced with the Wrong Things

Cutting down on Carbohydrates Could Result in Premature Death if they are replaced with the Wrong Things


Food items, which swap carbohydrates with either protein or fat have gained popularity mainly based on certain claims that they result in people losing weight and thus lead to a reduction in the risk of heart diseases as well as Type 2 diabetes. Now, fresh research suggests that getting carbohydrates replaced with proteins and animal fats, as most of the low-carb diets do, is linked towards making the life span shorter.

The numerous controlled trials that have taken place in a random manner, which is typically the gold standard in research, have found benefits for weight and health for very limited time by taking diets containing low carbohydrates, though this is not really a fact. Now, due to the reason that they were studies conducted for short-term, they were not really able to assess exactly how diet of low carbohydrates affect people’s longevity. Hence, a team from the Harvard University as well as from the University of Minnesota went forward to examine observational data from the high risk of atherosclerosis during the study of communities.

The results, which had got published in the month of August on Lancet Public Health, found out a potential danger that the low carbohydrate diets contained. Based upon the intake of carbohydrate, the researchers went on to estimate that a 50 year old participant taking less than 30 percent of carbohydrates would go on to prolong his life until 79.1 years, in comparison to 82 years for one, who is taking in excess of 65% carbohydrates.

This basically coincides with the new research, which was presented at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology in the month of August. Researchers, who belong to the Lodz Medical University in Poland, had gone on to examine data from 24, 825 participants at the United States National Health and Examination Survey, which was collected within the period between 1999 and 2010. Those people, who had the lowest intake of carbohydrates, were at 32% higher risk than those dying from all those participants, who ate the maximum amount of carbohydrates.

While carrying out specific examinations of deaths occurring from Heart Disease or Stroke, the risk turned to be 50% more.