NASA did the test of the supersonic parachute on Mars

NASA did the test of the supersonic parachute on Mars


NASA has created a ‘supersonic parachute’ that has made a world record. According to the American Space Agency, after the launch of the rocket, the parachute became active in the fortnight of one second and landed on a skilled land with 37 thousand kg of weight. The Space Agency hoped that this parachute would play an important role in the Mars mission.

According to NASA, the supersonic parachute was launched with a space device connected in the Black Brant-11 rocket. Just two minutes after launch, the space equipment separated from the rocket and began to return to the Earth’s atmosphere. It was reported in the report that if this space device remained at a certain height (38,000 km above the ground), then the sensors engaged in it became active. After that, the supersonic parachute in space equipment opened in the 40th part of a second and successfully landed on the ground.

NASA said that according to the size, this parachute has the fastest open in the history so far. At that time the supersonic parachute was weighed 70 thousand pounds. According to NASA scientists, this parachute was made from Nylon and Kevlar fibers. Supersonic parachute is a special part of NASA’s Mars Mission 2020, which will land on the red planet in February 2021. According to scientists, this weight is 85% more than the weight of the space equipment to be released on the surface of Mars.