Consumption of 40 g of almonds a day could prevent heart attacks

Consumption of 40 g of almonds a day could prevent heart attacks


Almonds as part of nuts are complex foods with multiple nutrients

Derived from scientific research regarding healthy habits, it has been said that almonds, due to their content of antioxidants, fiber and other bioactive substances, provide not only great nutritional value but also the cardioprotective activity that their habitual consumption exerts is remarkable. And as if that were not enough, there is more and more evidence of its possible effect on weight control and the appearance of diabetes.

Regarding the cardioprotective effect, there is very consistent epidemiological evidence on the fact that the habitual consumption of almonds protects against the development of injuries or disease in the main blood vessels of the heart (coronary heart disease), especially its fatal form and sudden cardiac death. .

The protection exerted by almonds is dose-dependent and, with a serving 4 or 5 times a week, it is possible to reduce the relative risk of experiencing coronary heart disease by approximately 40 percent, regardless of gender, age, race , social status and lifestyle.

For this reason, since 2004, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has suggested a daily serving of 40 g of almonds as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, since it can reduce the risk of heart disease; It is also forceful and considers that research supports the intake of a daily ration to reduce the risk of experiencing what is also called ischemic heart disease.

Almonds as part of nuts are complex foods with multiple nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other bioactive substances, so the benefit of their consumption is attributable to the whole and not to the parts.

Amino acids, fats and antioxidants refer to a food that we could talk about not only as “low in” or “high in” some specific micronutrient, which, although it has them, it is difficult to choose which is more important among them.