Millions of Blood-Thirsty Mosquitos Were Left Behind by Hurricane Florence

Millions of Blood-Thirsty Mosquitos Were Left Behind by Hurricane Florence


Hurricane Florence may be over but its impacts are still bothering the residents of North Carolina. According to the latest reports, North Carolina is now observing an increasing number of mosquitos that are extremely blood-hungry. Making things worse, the size of these mosquitos is three to four times bigger than the usual size of the species. Considering that NC received a rainfall of around 30 centimeters, the situation was very favorable for the mosquitos, since they can lay eggs and reproduce easily. Of course, the bigger size of these mosquitos also means the bigger issues on the way.

The newer set of bigger mosquitos are more powerful than the normal ones. According to some experts, they have an ability to penetrate up to two layers of clothing. This means that your normal clothes that try to prevent mosquito-bites will not be that helpful. That having said, since the mosquitos are not genetically modified or with special ability, there are not many worries. It’s just that people are not able to escape easily from these beings that travel in groups. According to some of the personal reports, people are getting very afraid by the size of the mosquitos as well.

Many residents are now living with the fear of coming across the swarm. There are however some additional concerns in the list. For instance, it has been found that the mosquitos in North Carolina can carry the West Nile virus, which is being active right now. On the bright side, however, they are not capable of carrying Zika or Malaria. Of course, getting rid of these mosquitos would take time, as different counties are taking variety of measures. Aerial spraying is one of the suggested methods but it is not being practiced by all the counties in the region. Meanwhile, residents have to take right precautions to stay away from these mosquitos.