Apple News Plus: Flatrate for magazines and newspapers

Apple News Plus: Flat rate for magazines and newspapers


Apple is making a fresh start to bring magazines to mobile devices in an appealing way. As part of the Apple News app, the iPhone group presented on Monday at an event in Cupertino (see also Liveticker) new subscription service for magazines and newspapers. Under the name “Apple News Plus” subscribers get access to the content of about 300 magazines from various topics, including articles from certain newspapers and news sites are included, as Apple stressed.

Major US newspapers include the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and the Canadian The Star. It had previously leaked out that the New York Times and the Washington Post did not want to join the service, preferring to sell their subscriptions themselves.

No tracking, Apple promises
The company puts in the service data protection in the foreground: Apple does not know what customers read in it and also do not allow tracking by advertisements.

Apple News Plus costs $ 10 a month and is available from Monday. Like the Apple News app, the service remains limited to North America for the time being but should come to Europe in the fall of 2019 – first to the UK. As part of the iOS family release, the service is available on all devices of the user; the first month is free.