NASA's highest-run Rover 'Opportunity' on the finished on Mars

NASA’s highest-run Rover ‘Opportunity’ is the finished on Mars


America’s space agency NASA’s Rover Opportunity ended, NASA finally declared this rover dead. This NASA rover was the highest runway rover on Mars. Explain that the rover pistol powered by solar power was quiet for about eight months. NASA was trying to reconnect with this rover. Due to the Sandy hurricane that came in June last year, the capacity of the transmission had weakened.

Special things
NASA’s ‘Opportunity Rover’ landed on Mars in August 2004
NASA has tried more than 800 times to contact Rover
The last contact with NASA’s Rover was on June 10 last year
The storm came in June last year due to the failure of transmission capacity

This rover landed on the surface of the red planet in 2004, 15 years ago. NASA engineers engaged in contact with the rover had feared that the internal clock would get worse due to the storm. NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said tweeting that after more than 800 efforts to contact Opportunity Rover, today we announce the end of the successful Mars mission. Opportunity was set for 90 days to gather information about the red planet, but it spent more than 14 years on Mars.